
I’m so blessed to live near to Wollaton hall (aka Wayne Manor in The Dark Knight Rises).

Hi! My name is Bella and I’m a 16 year old film fan who desperately needs a place to take all of my wild feelings for films and write them down in an organised fashion. I hope you can enjoy what I write!

My Latest Posts

  • My Top 30 Films of 2023
    2023 has been the most exceptional year in my memory for films, as I have found myself loving so many of the releases. Here, I will count down my top 30 releases, with reasoning behind why I love each so much. 30. How To Have Sex dir. Molly Manning Walker Molly Manning Walker’s feature filmContinue reading “My Top 30 Films of 2023”
  • Women In Film-2023 Roundup
    2023 has been a historic year for women in film, with the highest grossing film of the year being directed by a woman and catered towards women in particular (Barbie, dir. Greta Gerwig). Here I will discuss some of the most stand out moments for women in film from 2023, and think about what 2024Continue reading “Women In Film-2023 Roundup”
  • Let’s discuss Harley Quinn
    In my opinion, Harley Quinn is one of the best modern examples where we can see the same character portrayed differently to cater to the male and female gaze. What makes Harley Quinn especially unique for this is the fact that we see the same character (portrayed by the same actress-the incredibly talented Margot Robbie)Continue reading “Let’s discuss Harley Quinn”